We do our best to make sure every product that leaves our warehouse and into your hands exceeds your expectations from the moment you receive it.

If at any time you have a defect with a product you purchased from us, we’ll swap you out for a brand new one, even if it’s 5,10, or 25 years from now. So if your product rips, unravels, or is torn in a scuffle with Sasquatch, we got you.

All items exchanged under our Lifetime Guarantee MUST include a copy of our LG Form. Simply fill out the form and mail it back with your product, without the form we are unable to process your replacement. We will email you at the email address provided on this form.

Our Lifetime Guarantee does not cover lost or stolen items and all items sent back can ONLY be exchanged NOT refunded. Please keep a copy of your tracking number so we can better assist you with your exchange.

First, download and fill out this form to begin the exchange process.

Items can be sent to:
The Great PNW
Attn: Sasquatch
519 N. Sycamore
Spokane, WA 99202

Free returns and exchanges can be made within 15 days of delivery. You may return new, unworn merchandise, in it’s original condition, within 15 days of delivery. Returns can only be processed for domestic orders.

To start the free return process Click Here.

NO returns or exchanges on sale items, mystery box items or Upper Left Club products. If an item was purchased at a retail location, the return must be made at that location.